• Welcome to the  Birla College of Vedic Palmistry


      There are many reasons that may have brought you here. Some of you may have a deep desire to earn a diploma and become a professional palmist. Some may have heard of the many ways Vedic palmistry can dramatically improve your life. Still others may simply be curious about this fascinating and ancient science, or maybe you just want to have a bit of fun reading the palms of your family and friends. No matter your reasons for being here, you are about to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery that will bring you greater happiness and joy, profoundly enriching your life.

      More than 5,000 years ago, Vedic sages and teachers discerned that changes made in our thought patterns, emotional states and behaviour are reflected in physical changes in the lines of our hand. This knowledge has allowed practitioners to use Vedic palmistry as both a diagnostic tool and an effective method of treating various conditions that undermine one’s enjoyment of life.


      Indeed, decades of experience have taught me that palmistry can be used to examine the innermost corners of the human psyche. Studying the handprints of tens of thousands of clients has confirmed for me that all our hopes and dreams, phobias and fears, desires and disease, attitudes and addictions are registered in our hands. More importantly, I have discovered that the root causes for any of these disruptions and distresses—imbalances in our personal energy—can also be found in our palms. This discovery has convinced me that palmistry can be used to promote positive change and healing. And because the lines of our hands change as our actions and attitudes change, palmistry is an extraordinary barometer of personal growth; Vedic palmistry is a tried and true method of creating, restoring and maintaining balance, happiness and love in our lives.

      In the following courses you will:

      • - gain a greater understanding of yourself and others
      • - learn everything you need to know to become a professional palmist
      • - discover ways to incorporate the benefits of Vedic palmistry into your personal and professional life.

      This program is a culmination of my 50-plus years of research, counseling and teaching—it is my life’s work, and I am delighted that you have expressed an interest in learning the ancient, life-changing science of Vedic Palmistry.

      Ghanshyam Singh Birla

      Founder, The Birla Vedic College

    • The Birla Vedic College’s complete program covers all aspects of Vedic Palmistry and Astrology, from its history and philosophy, to its use in self-development, to becoming a professional Astro-Palmist.